the perfect peel




Chemical peeling is one of the most popular and effective aesthetics treatments, helping patients rejuvenate and improve the overall health and appearance of the dermis. However, not all chemical peels are created equally: from the “at-home” high-street, single-active serum, to a medically-administered, medium-depth clinical peel, it can be unclear what sets an “ok” peel apart from an “incredible” peeling system. Chemical peels are generally classified as superficial, medium or deep, depending on the depth of penetration after application. A number of peeling agents are capable of achieving a range of penetration depths, depending on their percentage and method of application.



The Perfect Peel® Superblend brings you a hybrid chemical peel to reach both medium and superficial depths in a single treatment, blowing individual peeling agents out of the water!

The blend of pigmentation inhibitors, antioxidants, hydrating agents, calming ingredients and anti-inflammatories, reduces risk and downtime leaving your skin feeling fresher from the inside out.

The Perfect Peel®  is a chemical peel  like no other. Patients reach day 3 and see that the peel is real: the top layer of the skin literally peels away to reveal healthy,  glowing , fresh skin beneath. But the Perfect Peel® is not superficial, oh no, it's got depth. The unique, blended formula combines 5 super-acids, plus glutathione, plus vitamins+ minerals to no only reach layers of the skin that most  peels can't , but to nourish the dermis with a host of skin- loving ingredients. After just 1 week, skin appears healthier, smoother, brighter, and tighter.


  • Brightens Skin
  • Improved Skin Tone and Texture
  • Reduces Sun Damage and Age Spots
  • Improves The Appearance of Hyperpigmentation And Melasma 
  • Reduces The Appearance of Pore Size 
  • Softens Fine Lines and Wrinkles 
  • Improve Acne Skin Conditions and the Appearance of Acne Scars
  • Stimulate Collagen Production to Firm Skin 
  • Slow Down The Appearance of Ageing and Formulation of Wrinkles 

The price of the Perfect Peel is:

One session: £250

Course of 3 sessions: £600

*The Perfect Peel treatment will include a Homecare Kit!

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Your practitioner will provide a consultation where they’ll talk you through The Perfect Peel® Superblend and how it can help with your skin concerns. The chemical peel itself counts as Day 1 and takes around 15 minutes to complete. The rest of your appointment time will be spent discussing your Home Kit and aftercare.                                                                            

  STEP 2


A potent blend of Retinol, Salicylic Acid and Vitamin C, to be applied the night of the treatment, this second step completed the chemical peel application.

  STEP 3


To be applied on Day 5 to heal, nourish and condition new skin. containing skin-loving ingredients including Squalene, Vitamin E, Glutathione, Calendula, Arnica, Aloe Barbadensis and Carrot Oil. 



How does The Perfect Peel compare to the other peels?
The Perfect Peel combines intense ingredients with effective acids to deliver outstanding results after one treatment. This unique formula allows for an increase in lifting of fine lines and wrinkles as well as a lightening of Melasma, sun damage and Hyperpigmentation. The Perfect Peel is a non-invasive relatively pain free treatment that entails only 5-7 days of peeling.
How many The Perfect Peel treatments are necessary for visible improvements?
After one treatment of The Perfect Peel, overall skin tone and complexion will appear smooth, glowing and fresh. Depending on skin conditions, multiple treatments may be necessary for desired results. A series of 2-3 treatments applied once every 4 weeks will allow for optimal results for more severe skin conditions such as Melasma and active acne.
How long will the Perfect Peel results last?
As long as the skin is maintained with good quality skin care products such as The Perfect C serum the improved results will last. We recommend two to three treatments of The Perfect Peel per year to sustain desired results for regular maintenance and rejuvenation.
What skin types can have The Perfect Peel?
All skin types (Fitzpatrick 1-6) are safe to treat with The Perfect Peel, and will reveal considerable improvements.
What type of skin preparation is needed before The Perfect Peel?
The Perfect Peel requires no preconditioning of the skin prior to treatment. Only those patients who use Accutane must stop usage 6 months prior to treatment in order to achieve desired results.
Does The Pefect Peel hurt?
During the treatment, The Perfect Peel may sting or tingle slightly and will subside after just a few seconds. Following the first pass of The Perfect Peel slight numbing will occur.
How long does The Perfect Peel application process take?
The Perfect Peel application only takes 15 minutes to administer.
How much will I peel after The Perfect Peel and what is the process?
The amount of peeling skin associated with The Perfect Peel is mainly a sloughing of thin sheets of epidermis skin that begins around day three and generally is completed by day six or seven.
What will I look like immediately after The Perfect Peel treatment?
Immediately after the peel has been applied the skin will either appear red, like a sunburn, or darker. On day three peeling will begin. The Perfect Peel home care moisturiser (included with each peel) will reduce the visibility of peeling by hydrating. By day six or seven the peeling process should be complete and the results are visibly astonishing.
Can I wear make up after The Perfect Peel?
The day the peel is applied the patient should not put any make up or other products on his or her face post peel. Makeup may be worn on day 2 of the peeling process.
Will The Perfect Peel help improve the acne and acne scars?
The Perfect Peel formula was designed to help improve various problematic skin conditions. Acne is a major factor in what this treatment is tailored to resolve. The Perfect Peel helps minimise the damage and scarring done by acne. The Glutathione helps increase cellular turnover to dramatically improve stubborn acne scars. A series of peels will be necessary to diminish the damage and scarring.
How many treatments of The Perfect Peel is needed to treat acne scars
Depending on the severity of the scarring, a series of 3-4 peels every four weeks will be needed for optimum results. The number of treatments will also depend on how vigorous the layers are applied.
Will my skin be sensitive after The Perfect Peel ?
Skin will be more sensitive during the peeling process until the PH level is replenished.
How long should you wait between The Perfect Peel treatments?
Wait 3-4 weeks once the entire peeling process has completed.
Can you do The Perfect Peel at home?
The Perfect Peel is not a home chemical peel. It is a treatment offered by medical professionals (Drs, Nurses and Dentists) who have been trained in how to safely and effectively perform the peel. 
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