harmony xl pro


FDA approved for over 65 indications

Harmony offers an all-in-one solution for many of the most common aesthetic concerns, for all skin types and ages.



Harmony XL PRO is a multi-application platform with a powerful and versatile solution for a wide range of aesthetic treatments, maximizing the potential of numerous energy-based technologies, achieving outstanding results!




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Treats all forms of acne vulgaris

The hallmark of healthy skin is often a clear, glowing complexion. For those who reside in a city or suffer from recurring blemishes, maintaining clear skin can be problematic.

Created to address acne and subsequent scarring, ClearSkin is Harmony XL Pro’s setting that uses a cooled Er:Glass laser with vacuum treatment to address all forms of Acne Vulgaris (including blackheads, whiteheads, papules, bustles and nodules).


non- ablative laser

The non-ablative laser uses heat below the skin’s surface to induce injury. The lower layers of the dermis are flooded with the body’s natural healing response, enabling it to handle infections, any build-up of toxins and scarring with immediate effect. Helps rejuvenate and boost collagen in the skin for a quick pick-me-up without any downtime.

ClearSkin combines this non-ablative laser with vacuum technology that reaches deep within the pores to remove any congestion. A perfect two-tiered treatment, ClearSkin will leave the skin calm, cooled and almost crystal clear clarity. The clinic recommends three treatments over three months to ensure your new complexion is maintained.



One of the Harmony XL Pro’s most popular settings, ClearLift is a rejuvenating treatment that combines the use of high intensity fractional lasers along with simultaneous contact cooling and vacuum technology. This fast treatment uses a non-ablative laser, so there is minimal discomfort and is suitable for all skin types as there is no tissue damage nor downtime, resulting in glowing, radiant skin with each session taking as little as 30 minutes.

ClearLift helps with under eye bags, live acne, also body pigmentation to help reduce pigmentation on the underarms, bikini, elbows and any other hyperpigmentation caused on the body.

The ClearLift laser works best on the soft areas of the skin such as the neck, eyes and décolleté, using the fractional light to not damage these sensitive areas. Most people require an average of 4-6 treatments.


Harmony XL PRO™ DYE VL 

The heat created by Dye VL pro damages the vessel or pigmented spots, and the body begins its natural healing process, resulting in rejuvenation of the skin. Pulsed light is able to penetrate into the sub-surface skin layers without damaging the skin and then absorbed by the blood vessels or pigmentation spots. The pigmented areas will become darker initially and then flake off or be absorbed by the body. Overall, skin tone is improved dramatically resulting in a smoother texture, even skin tone, younger and more attractive skin.



Harmony xl pro results

Our prices

single session



BACK- from £300


package of 4 sessions




BACK- from £1000

single session

EYES- £150

FULL FACE-  £250



package of 4 session


EYES- £400

FULL FACE-  £600


single session



BODY (2 palm size) - from £350


package of 4 session




BODY (2 palm size) - from £1120


What is Harmony XL Pro?
Harmony XL Pro is a powerful, all-inclusive treatment solution for a wide range of aesthetic needs. The multi-application platform is designed to treat a variety of skin issues, offering a full spectrum of light and laser technologies, applicators, tips and treatment methods to achieve outstanding results. Each technology and treatment approach offered by Harmony XL Pro’s modules has a first-rate safety record, proven in extensive clinical studies.

We can use Harmony XL Pro to treat all areas of the body, all skin types and all age groups, from teens upwards.
What issues can Harmony XL Pro be used to treat?
ClearLiftTM – skin remodelling & lifting:
Smooth, clear and radiant skin is strongly associated with youth in today’s society, but the effects of ageing and sun damage can cause skin imperfections such as fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, loose skin and uneven skin tone. To address these issues, we can use a ClearLiftTM laser treatment and high-powered Near-Infrared technology to stimulate collagen production and give you smoother, younger and healthier-looking skin.This treatment is virtually painless, with no downtime and no need for pre-treatment anaesthetic. It is safe for all skin types.

Thread veins:
Spider veins are blood vessels that become enlarged and visible due to weakened valves, which cause blood to pool rather than flow through to the heart. Harmony’s vascular treatments offer an effective, non-invasive solution that closes these veins and reduces or eliminates their appearance. Using advanced light, laser and Advanced Fluorescence Technology (AFT), Harmony’s Dye-VL module targets the affected blood vessels beneath the skin, leaving you with smooth, clear skin and renewed confidence. The treatments are safe and effective and provide reliable, long-term results.

Ageing, sun damage and hormonal changes can affect the distribution of colour (melanin) in your skin, leading to the appearance of sun spots, age spots, or melasma – a dark, patchy facial discolouration condition. Harmony’s Dye-VL module uses light-based and laser treatments to remove the appearance of spots and pigmentation by targeting the melanin in the darkened area, clearing all layers of the pigmentation, and revealing even-toned, unblemished skin. The treatments are specially designed for comfort and are safe and effective for all skin types, including dark skin tones.

Harmony’s ClearSkin acne laser treatment uses a combination of laser technology, simultaneous contact cooling for more comfortable treatment and a unique vacuum mechanism to treat all forms of acne vulgaris. The treatment is suitable for all skin types, has no side effects and achieves a clearer, smoother complexion with lasting results.

Tattoo removal:
We can safely and effectively removed unwanted dark and multi-coloured tattoos using Harmony’s laser tattoo removal treatment. Using a combination of laser wavelengths that target different ink colours, high-intensity light beams break up the ink particles in the tattoo, revealing clear, ink-free skin with minimal risk of scarring or hypopigmentation. You may need several treatments for the best results.
What happens during a Harmony XL Pro treatment
The exact nature of your treatment will depend on the issues we aim to treat and the Harmony XL Pro module or combination of modules that we need to use. We will explain more about what you can expect at your initial consultation.
How soon should I be able to see the effects of my treatment and how many treatments are recommended?
We recommend 2-6 treatments every 2-4 weeks depending on the treatment you receive. How soon you see the results of your treatment will depend on the nature of your individual procedure. For example, with skin remodeling using the ClearLiftTM module, results will be immediately visible, although you should see continuing improvements over time as new collagen develops.
How long should the results last?
The results of your treatment will again depend on which modules we use and why. We will give you a better idea of what to expect at your initial consultation.
Are there any side effects?
The side effects and downtime associated with a Harmony XL Pro treatment will depend on the nature of your treatment and which module(s) we will be using.

You should not need to take any downtime after a ClearLift or thread vein treatment.

If you have a Harmony treatment for hyperpigmentation, you may want to time your treatment for a quiet week as the pigmentation may initially look darker before it improves.

Before you have any treatment, we will talk to you in detail about any potential side effects and downtime so that you can plan ahead and make an informed decision.
Will I need to take time off after my treatment?
As we’ve explained above, most people are able to carry on with their day as usual after their Harmony XL Pro treatment, but it will depend on what module(s) we use. Downtime will be needed if you have a DYE-VL treatment for hyperpigmentation or vascular lesions.
What Is Recovery Like? Are There Any Side Effects?
The Harmony XL Pro does not require a lengthy recovery period. It’s common with other laser treatments for patients to experience redness or peeling for weeks after treatment. But with the Harmony XL Pro, the treatment is so gentle it can easily fit into your schedule and won’t cause any uncomfortable side effects.
1. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:
 • Laser treatments are generally not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding due to the lack of sufficient studies on their safety during these periods.
 2. Active Infections or Inflammation:
 • Any active infections, open wounds, or inflammation in the treatment area should be fully healed before undergoing laser treatment.
 3. Photosensitizing Medications:
 • Medications that increase photosensitivity (e.g., certain antibiotics like tetracyclines, NSAIDs, and some antidepressants) can increase the risk of adverse reactions.
 4. Recent Sun Exposure or Tanning:
 • Avoid recent sun exposure, tanning beds, or the use of self-tanning products for at least two weeks before treatment, as these can increase the risk of hyperpigmentation and other complications.
 5. Skin Conditions:
 • Conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, active acne, or dermatitis in the treatment area should be managed and cleared before treatment.
 6. Use of Retinoids:
 • Topical or oral retinoids (e.g., isotretinoin) should be discontinued several weeks prior to treatment, based on the provider’s recommendation.
 7. History of Keloid Scarring:
 • Individuals with a history of keloid or hypertrophic scarring may be at increased risk of scarring from laser treatments.
 8. Recent Procedures:
 • Avoid recent chemical peels, microdermabrasion, or other ablative skin procedures on the treatment area for at least two weeks before the laser treatment.
 9. Skin Cancer:
 • History of skin cancer or precancerous lesions in the treatment area is a contraindication unless cleared by a dermatologist.
 10. Active Herpes Simplex Virus:
 • Active cold sores or herpes simplex virus infections should be treated and resolved before laser treatment to prevent exacerbation.
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